Defining Community

There has been so much talk about community and so little action. I’ve been reflecting on a few quotes recently, one of them being “everyone wants to change the world but nobody wants to do the dishes.”

Meaning we all want to do something great, grand, fantastical. We want to have a life’s work that spans beyond us. We want to make waves.

But we don’t wave at our neighbors. We don’t smile at strangers. We have gotten so selective with our time and energy. Everyone wants a community but only when it’s an easy one.

We thrive with diverse perspectives. How can you expect to have a supportive and extensive community if everyone has the same problems and experiences as you. Who are you leaving out when you invent your communities? Are you limiting yourself to a repeated narrative by insisting that other people won’t understand what you need or how to be in community with you?

There’s a degree of acceptance that comes with involving yourself in community that many struggle with. There is also so much talk of “radical self acceptance.” Can you turn that outward? Can you radically accept others, and offer support? What do you contribute within your communities? Where do your communities overlap?

What dishes need to get done?

Can you offer someone a ride somewhere? Do you have anything to offer at a local food pantry? What events are your local library hosting? Where can you get involved? What can you commit to? Can you find a friend and volunteer in your community once a month? once a week? The world needs you. Change is imminent.


Intro + Oat Milk


Community Advocacy